Kyoho Han qualify as a successor generation in the field of basic studies (기초학문분야 학문후속세대)

eeflowl 2020-03-02l Hit 717

Our lab is proud to announce that Kyoho Han, Ph.D. candidate in EEFL, is qualifed as a successor generation in the field of basic studies (기초학문분야 학문후속세대) for 2020. Kyoho Han was qualified in 2019 and has re-qualified for this year. He is currently researching on transient respiratory flow using magnetic resonance velocimetry (MRV) and fine particle distribution and movement control using photon-matter interaction.

Seoul National University has been selecting a successor generation in the field of basic studies since 2012 to carry out the national university's social responsibilities of supporting and fostering fundamental studies. For those (Ph.D. candidate) who are selected by the Committee for the Promotion of Basic Studies and the Planning and Evaluation of Basic Studies receive between 20 million won and 24 million won to add depth to their respective fields of study. 

* Due to COVID-19, certificate ceremony was not held this year.