[국내] Method for analyzing flow field in blade of gas turbine
- Application number : 10-2415574-0000
- Filing date : June 28, 2022
- Original Assignee : 한국전력공사 외 2명
- Inventors : Myeong Hwan Bang, Wontae Hwang, Seungchan Baek, Woo Sung Choi, Doo Soo Kim, Sung Ho Chang
[국내] Adjustable dilution hole and gas turbine combustor comprising same
- Application number : 10-2410457-0000
- Filing date : June 14, 2022
- Original Assignee : 국방과학연구소 외 1명
- Inventors : Wontae Hwang, Jin Moo Chung, Seungchan Baek, Hyeon-Seok Shim
[국내] Apparatus and method for evaluating combustion stability using infrared thermometry
- Application number : 10-2306245-0000
- Filing date : September 23, 2021
- Original Assignee : 서울대학교 산학협력단
- Inventors : Hyung Rok Do, Sungkyun Oh, Wontae Hwang, Youchan Park, Guwon Seon
[국내] Apparatus and method for combustion diagnostics using
flame emission spectroscopy
- Application number : 10-2289029-0000
- Filing date : August 5, 2021
- Original Assignee : 서울대학교산학협력단
- Inventors : Hyung Rok Do, Sungkyun Oh, Wontae Hwang, Youchan Park, Guwon Seon
[국내] Apparatus and method for measuring drag on an object entering water
- Application number : 10-2202569-0000
- Filing date : January 7, 2021
- Original Assignee : 서울대학교 산학협력단
- Inventors : Wontae Hwang, Gu Won Seon, Hyung Min Park, Kyu Seong Choi